The EntrePass: A Gateway to Singapore’s Entrepreneurial Landscape

The provision of EntrePass in Singapore is a significant motivation for future business leaders. It is primarily meant for foreign entrepreneurs who are competent and passionate about actualising new businesses, particularly those fueled by venture support or involving cutting-edge technologies. 

Introduction to the EntrePass and its eligibility criteria

As outlined by the Ministry of Manpower (MoM), the EntrePass is intended for well-versed entrepreneurs, high-calibre innovators or seasoned investors who stand eligible to induct business within Singapore. Open to all existing nationalisms and citizenships, this permit is granted to any aspiring individual having acquired the requisite endowments of a minimum of $100,000 from a recognised business angel, possessing an entrepreneurial track record and commercial network or striking alliance with an IHL (Institute of Higher Learning) or Research Institute in Singapore. The EntrePass is also granted to incubatees at accelerators approved by the government. 

Restrictions on the types of businesses eligible for the EntrePass

We must note that the Singaporean government prohibits multiple commercial endeavours from striving for an EntrePass. These include Coffee shops, hawker centres, food courts, bars, night clubs, karaoke lounges, foot reflexology, massage parlours, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, herbal dispensing businesses, Employment agencies and Geomancy business, all of which are not viewed as eligible for EntrePass. 

Advantages of the EntrePass for aspiring entrepreneurs

The EntrePass acts as a highly lucrative measure for emerging business innovators since seekers can obtain it through direct application sans any mandated salary threshold or requirements for foreign worker quota or levy. Moreover, it is also accessible to the spouse, children or parents of the aspirant upon satisfying the criteria of minimum annual business spending or several various kinds of associates. 

Renewal process and requirements for the EntrePass

While the first issuance is valid for one year, subsequent renewals may be executed every two years. The conditions for renewal are relatively rudimentary, such as registration with ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority), the minimum shareholding of the organisation, evidence of current business activity, proof of venture backing, and accreditation of Startup SG Network (SSN), amongst others. However, the documents for renewal are to be sent at least 60 days before the expiry date. 

Evaluation process and reasons for rejection

While attempting to attain the EntrePass, the concerned Company is not necessarily required to be registered with ACRA. However, a firm already registered must have been so for at least six months if contemplating solicitation of EntrePass. 

Despite the vast array of opportunities and optimised convenience, the EntrePass is only released with critical evaluation. Precisely, expectant are obligated to submit a comprehensive business plan that incorporates meticulous milestones and benchmarks, as well as details of products and services, operation plan, market analysis, management profiles, financial projections, agreements, certificates, endorsement patents, amongst others. The processing duration for EntrePass invariably stands at a couple of months in most cases. 

The Ministry also harbours scope to address unsought incidents like loss of or damage to the Pass by allowing replacement on submitting nominal fees within the stipulated period of a week. Unlike many other permits, the MoM explains the reasons for rejecting a particular request for EntrePass, thus providing much-needed clarity to those who wish to reapply. 

Path to Permanent Residency through the EntrePass

As the readers might have already sensed, the EntrePass is a crucial gateway to Permanent Residency (PR), specifically through the Professionals/Technical Personnel and Skilled Worker Scheme along with due protocols of IRAS (Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore) Tax Assessment as well as Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA). 

It is to be noted that EntrePass is provided to professionals who have secured phenomenal achievements in respective specialised domains. However, acquiring the Pass initiates ongoing benignant programs for promising businesses since successful applicants are invited to contribute to the sustainable growth of the local startup ecosystem, typically through diverse development activities like mentorships, networking sessions, webinars, and workshops, amongst others. 

Ongoing programs for EntrePass holders to contribute to Singapore’s startup ecosystem

Administered by the Ministry of Manpower (MoM) along with the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board (SPRING) of Singapore, the EntrePass is given with a holistic vision of economic boost, job creation and Research and Development (R&D). Highly feasible for those looking to relocate to Singapore, it accentuates the frequently emphasised propensity of the Singaporean government to embrace the Open Door Policy and relentlessly promote state-of-the-art IT talents and charismatic entrepreneurship. 


In conclusion, EntrePass is a valuable opportunity for foreign entrepreneurs looking to start a business in Singapore. This permit is designed to attract talented individuals passionate about innovation and seeking to establish cutting-edge businesses in Singapore. The EntrePass allows entrepreneurs to bypass certain limitations that other permits may impose and provides various benefits, including access to a supportive ecosystem, pathways to permanent residency, and ongoing development opportunities.

However, EntrePass is challenging to obtain. The evaluation process is rigorous, and the criteria for renewal are strict. Entrepreneurs seeking to apply for the EntrePass must be well-prepared with a detailed business plan highlighting their milestones and benchmarks, market analysis, financial projections, and more.

EntrePass remains a valuable gateway to Singapore’s entrepreneurial landscape despite the challenges. It provides foreign entrepreneurs access to a supportive ecosystem that fosters innovation, promotes job creation, and contributes to the country’s economic growth. Overall, EntrePass is an excellent opportunity for talented individuals committed to achieving success in their respective fields and looking to establish their businesses in Singapore.

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